VHD Tool++
From iODD
- iODD provides USB Flash Drive or USB WinToGo Booting beyond the CD Booting.
- iODD provides max 6 devices, 4 sorts(Fixed, Removable, Floppy, Optical) Disk Drives.
- Refer to #Manual for detail guide.
- Multi Languages - En,Ko,Cn. English version can be forced to run by (VHD_Tool++(en).bat).
Create - Create
- Create a fixed VHD file to iODD without fragmentation. (very fast)
Convert - Convert
- Convert general dump image file to fixed VHD file
Extend - Extend
- Extend fixed VHD file size.
Defragment - Defragment
- Defragment a file
Upload - Upload
- Copy a file to iODD without fragmentation.
Write To HDD - Write To HDD
- Only supports NTFS.
- Duplicates an image file to HDD (physically sector to sector)
- Expert Only can use this
- All HDD data will be deleted permanently
IODD 2531 2541
- Change the extension of file name.
- VHD : USB fixed drive
- RMD : USB removable drive
- Append "&DW" to the file name
- "Win2Go.VHD" : Default is CD-MODE or ODD-MODE (2541)
- "Win2Go&D.VHD" : Default is Dual-Mode. Real HDD is Write Protected.
- "Win2Go&DW.VHD" : Default is Dual-Mode. Real HDD is Write Enabled.
- uncompress the zip file to a proper folder. (if possible, the file path name is in English and has no space)
- run EXE.
- 2015-06-20 - v0.6.0.5 - support NTFS
- 2021-07-29 - v0.7.0.10 - support NTFS, EXFAT, FAT